Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I only see the good times & never the bad. It all seemed so peaceful and I guess that it was.

Last night, I decided to venture downtown solo. I went to a free show at Parkside Lounge (strange set-up there, took a few minutes to find the hidden stage) featuring Mike Lovesick & The Sheepdogs. Mike is a fellow Oneonta alum, one of the many talented folks to come out of the music industry program. I've been listening to his stuff for awhile now and after seeing him play live for the first time two summers ago, I try my best to get out to his shows whenever possible. His voice is reminiscent of Chris Martin of Coldplay but his style is more folk & blues. When listening to his EP, the influence of Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Waits is evident. I've only seen him solo but he has had two different bands in the past. He played a new-ish song "Brightest Room in the House", which he told me he felt was missing something without some group participation. I think despite being a somewhat reserved guy in person, he can definitely hold his own on stage.

Walter at the Pearly Gates is just one of those hauntingly beautiful songs.

After his set, The Sheepdogs from Canada were up. A guy came out of nowhere and started talking to me about the band, asking if I'd heard them, what I'd thought, etc. He'd just heard them for the first time today at work but was excited to find out they happened to be playing in the city that night. It must have been his lucky night because the waitress came by with a free hot dog for him as well. Suddenly I felt like I was in 1975, which is never ever a bad thing. Despite being from way, way up north, they rocked out in true southern rock style. During the set, the guitarist broke a string, jumped off stage searching feverishly for another guitar, ran around wildly for a few seconds then jumped back on stage and shredded. It was pretty epic. Mike told me they were working with Dr. Dog's producer...or something to that effect. It was the end of the night, what can I say.

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