Thursday, October 8, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

This week, I'm into:
-watching documentaries. Last night I watched 'Ballerina' & today, '*Bigger, faster, stronger' *The side effect of being American. I didn't even mean for it to happen that way but it turned out to be like a Gender Comm class. I could honestly write full posts about both them, they were that good. I just might. Both are available instantly if you have Netflix. Highly suggest, even if you think you aren't interested in steroids or ballet because they really aren't even about that.
-getting an interview. I'm almost enjoying doing all the preparation. I knew that Acting class would come in handy because I'm basically learning lines and trying to make them sound natural.
-looking real professional in a suit. I feel like a million bucks with it on. The total cost was way less than that but still, it's crazy expensive to look important. Who would've thought, this time last year I was putting on a similar getup but it was a halloween costume. Geez.
-looking forward to my parents' week-long vacation. A free place to myself. Oh happy day(s).
-having dinner with my cousin a few nights ago. I was a little nervous because it was a burger place but they had an awesome falafel-type burger. Also spiked milkshakes! Vanilla stoli, vanilla ice cream & oreos = heaven with a slightly upset tummy (worth it).
-running into three people randomly in one day. Really weird but I guess it's a sign I'm on the right path. Bumping into someone from college then someone from high school and then Jared while in the subway all in one day is a pretty weird coincidence.
-buying a new jacket. Yea Urban Outfitters got me after they advertised 30% off outerwear. It's becoming a new rule of mine to buy used as much as possible and never, ever pay full price. Look how awesome it is:

-brushing my teeth to this crazy song Nick told me about. It's mostly one note over and over again but it got me doing the 'washing machine' in my bathroom with toothbrush in hand.
-JIM & PAM'S WEDDING TONIGHT. I had a dream last night that I was at the wedding. Too emotionally involved? Yea just a tad, considering they're television characters. Will I bawl? Highly likely considering the above promo made me cry. YUP.
-getting serious callouses on my fingers from playing guitar a ton. The tips hurt even as I type this. I now understand the phrase 'hurts so good'.
-deleting my twitter. It was for the best. A few nights ago, I got crazy paranoid about how much information there is about me on the internet and I'm the one putting it out there. No one mentioned it so I guess no one noticed. It's a pretty stupid form of social networking anyway.

What are you guys loving this fine Thursday?

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